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Wildlife Biologist - Outdoor Leader - Photographer

Conservation through research and storytelling


Explore some of the highlights from working as a wildlife biologist and expedition leader. All of these projects are nature-focused and strive to bolster conservation through active research and/or local community involvement.

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Canada

Supporting research and conservation across the country


Eastern Wolf Habitat Use

Scales Nature Park / The Land Between

Combining traditional ecological knowledge and modern science


Massasauga Rattlesnake Species Survival Plan (SSP)

Scales Nature Park in Partnership with the Toronto Zoo

Oversaw mapping for surveying and collection sites

Canadian Conservation Corps

Canadian Wildlife Federation

Wilderness leadership program​

Wildlife & Conservation

Sharing the Waters with Belugas

Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park

Beluga recovery strategies through habitat protection

Large Whale Monitoring Program

Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park /  GREMM

Monitoring whales (Blue, Fin, Humpback) for conservation


Frye Island Conservation Project

Nature Trust of New Brunswick

Land assessment for conservation & outdoor recreation use

Saving Turtles At Risk Today 

Scales Nature Park

Turtle conservation through fieldwork, research and community engagement

Tourism development

Sokwe Adventure Safaris

Developing eco-tourism products in Uganda

Greenland mentorship program

Natural Habitat Adventures / Town of Taasilaq

Developing youth to become local guides

Expeditions & Travel

Backcountry leadership

River n Ridge Expeditions

Design and develop programs in Canada's wilderness


Saguenay Fjord kayak expedition

Outward Bound Canada

Developed two-week kayak-camping expedition

Eco-based expeditions

Natural Habitat Adventures

Canada, Iceland, Greenland, Caribbean 


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